My husband and I got away for a few days without the kids and I got some much needed reading and thinking time. I found a great book I bought off the
Sales Divas website (actually I get her email newsletters and ordered the book in late December) called "Power and Soul". It's about 42 entrepreneurs sharing their secrets for creating the business and life of their dreams. I recommend her newsletter as she shares tips on sales. It's very helpful to get these emails as it reminds me to focus on sales. As my husband has noted in the past, I have a habit of being very busy but not focusing on the important stuff.
I have read only about a quarter of the book but wanted to share some encouraging quotes from some of these entrepreneurs like, "One day I learned from a very successful business coach that you can 'take five years to become an overnight success'." "If you can do it all yourself, your dream isn't big enough!" and the one that hit home the most with me being only two years in my business dream is, "the temptation to quit will be greatest just before you're about to succeed". I love that one as that is exactly where I've been at the beginning of this year.
I am realizing that wholesale is the way for me to survive and I haven't found them in the Bug Zoo line as I have in the Hooligans line. I was wondering what to do when BAM! out of the blue, Bug Zoo emails me that they have been invited through the AGOA (African Growth Opportunity Act) to participate in the Magic Show in Vegas. I will be representing Bug Zoo there as the US agent. I am hoping great things come of this. I want to see lots of happy interested buyers. Wish us luck!